Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Juxtaposition in Tokyo

I had the pleasure of visiting Tokyo back in April.  It's such an amazing city, everything is so refined, so well thought out and designed.  One of my favorite aspect about the city is how well the traditional culture and the modern culture blends together.  There is a cohesion, a mutual respect.  It's a beautiful balance.

Monday, January 20, 2014

Greenwood Cemetery

Shots from the peaceful Greenwood cemetery in Brooklyn.  It's a beautiful place and perfect for an Autumn outing.

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Graffiti from Istanbul

On the way up to Taksim

 Taking lots of small streets around Taksim

Goats and Rasputin were around town!

Around Galata tower

Man this Ohbok guy is everywhere

Finally my favorite in the series

Sunday, October 27, 2013

Istanbul in monochrome

Haven't been feeling very inspired lately so the blog was very much dead.  I had all these pictures post processed but they just didn't feel strong enough.  It's been a creative desert the past few months, however, I did go out and shoot today,  Hopefully that will get the juices following, and with that here are some of those finished photos of Istanbul in B&W.

There are a lot of people in Istanbul...

This guys was not amused...

Did I mention that there are a lot of people in Istanbul?

Till next time...

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Something fishy

One thing I love from Istanbul was all the fresh markets.  The vendors put out all their goods on the street and you can stroll through the market and see so many different things.

Here are some pictures from a seafood market.

The vendor will flip the gills of the fish to show how fresh they are.

One of the best dishes I had was the Hamsi, which is a small fish like the sardines.  They either fry them with a light batter or grill them, and it's delicious.  Here are all the different kinds of seafood and you can see the Hamsi in the lower right.

Then there's this guy, sitting right on top of the tent.  He knows what's up.

Saturday, July 6, 2013


My cute friends from Istanbul!

Istanbul was littered with dogs and cats.  This golden retriever was gorgeous I just want to hug him.

Look at this cutie!  He was sleeping on the merchandise and no one seemed to care.

Then there is this poor little guy, he must have fell in the Bosphorus.

This guys had the right idea while all those poor saps were lined up for the Hagia Sophia.

"Are you taking a picture of me?"  Yes cause you are soooo cute!

One more time that beautiful golden!

Okay I think I got all the cute animal gushing out of my system.

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Istanbul Part 1

After a couple months of my signature lazy ass post processing I got a few shots together from my Istanbul trip.  More to come and hopefully sooner rather than later.

Blue Mosque

How in the world did they build this?  It's just amazing.

Another mosque with a beautiful court yard.  The details and patterns on the arches really caught my eye.

Dear weekend, when they speak of you it'll be in loving memory and sweet nostalgia.  Onward to Monday...